lundi 20 novembre 2017



We went to Petrotin at 8:AM, we started with Mr. Patrick Vincent talking about […]

A. A.

Durant notre visite à Petrotrin , nous avons assisté à une présentation par certains superviseurs de différents quartiers de la compagnie de pétrole. Cette présentation a duré plus d'une heure et ensuite on a posé des questions dont certaines sont restées sans réponses claires.

F. D.

Tuesday, October 30th

Today we went to Petrotrin at 8:00 am. We had to dress with covered dresses. When we arrived they warned us that we must not take photos. There were some confidential things on the site. People greeted it us well. They presented us the Petrotrin company which is the fusion of the companies : Trintoc and companies as British Petroleum, Tesoro and Trintopec.

During the presentation I asked Patrick Vincent, a strategy specialist in Petrotrin, a question. Because more and more there are rumors saying oil will finish in the few years to come so I wondered « what they will do when the oil market falls into the water? » .
He answered that people had said that for many years and it's not yet the case so for him there are no reasons to be afraid. On the other hand their presentation seemed to me not quite objective because they showed only the good sides.

M. K.

We woke up early today for a one hour and thirty minutes ride to the reason for our trip and we finally arrived… in front of a resort, well not really it's a sort of private club where the worker can relax, with the swimming pool and golf field (of course it's just one part of their property), and the
many other facilities the group has, even the restroom was luxurious.
After that, we were welcomed in a room and stayed in there for two hours, where six people came presenting Petrotrin, what they do, where they export and how they render noxious gases and acids, harmless to some extent.
We then, had a tour around the place where we could find reservoirs,coloured pipes and buildings, the blue ones are control room, and each of the pipes has a different purpose, and a flare. The guide also made a quizz to see if we actually listened to what she said. The only negative point is that we couldn't take any pictures or film during it.
In our schedule, we planned to visit San Fernando but it seems that it wasn't for our driver, and because of the traffic, we went back to the guest house.

T. C.

I remember that the guide explained to us the different functions of each demijohn, there are :
a green one, a blue one and a red one which possess a specific function.
Some place was burnt a little bit because the pipes were very warm, that's why they immerse those pipes in water so as to cool them.
We were not authorized to walk around because it's a protected site.
There is a room building to honor the queen of England but she never used it then they transformed it into a reception premises.

L. B.

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PETROTRIN We went to Petrotin at 8:AM, we started with Mr. Patrick Vincent talking about […] A. A. Durant notre visite à P...