mardi 24 octobre 2017

visit of the National Science Center (NSC)

Good morning,
Today in the National Science Center, we learnt a lot of things about the Earth, that there are four kinds of natural catastrophies: earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and storms.
Hurricanes: they are tropical cyclones in which winds attain speeds greater than 74mi (119km) per hr. Wind speeds reach over 190mi (289km) per hr in the Atlantic Ocean, the identical phenomenon occurring over the West Pacific Ocean is called a typhoon; a tropical cyclone around Australia is called a Willy-Willy.

We are talking about the Natural Park of Trinidad life story. In the world there are many plates: the Arabian plate, the African plate, the Antartic plate, the Indo Australian plate, Pacific Eurasian plate, the Scotia plate, the Nazca plate, the Philippine plate, Caribbean plate, the Cocos plate and the American plate.


The seismology programme of Trinidad:

The mountains in Trinidad protect the people from Earthquakes and floods.
Alobbliening Alexia asked two questions to a woman: "Who are the men on the wall?", she answered that the men were the president Mr Carmona, the Prime Minister Dr Iceith Rowley and the Minister of Education Mr Garcia. Then I asked to a man: "How do you imagine French Guiana?" He said there was a Caribbean community who did not exchange with French Guiana and Suriname.

                                                                Alobbliening Alexia and Lociento

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